The Poetry Collection

Floppa sonnet

Shall I compare Flop to a summer’s day?
Thou art more swaggy and from the Kuwait:
Movie theater in my Chevrolet,
Floppa and Floppette went there on their date;

Sometime too bright the eye of Bingus shines,
And Plinka's complexion is often dimm'd;
Old Sogga's spirits will sometime decline,
More often than not are his claws untrimm'd;

But thy eternal swagness shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that based thou ow’st;
Nor shall cringe brag thou wander’st in his shade,
When through chicken eating so much thou grow’st:

A caracal from Maine or Tennesee,
both know that Floppa is who they should be.

Floppa Gang Rap

Floppa, Sogga, Bingus -  Plinka is a dingus.
Bingus' brain is smooth, gets shot by John Wilkes Booth.
Sogga bothers Floppa so he jumps into the CHOPPA;
Isn't that the truth.

Plinka, Sogga, Floppa - Bingus has a poppa.
His brain is also smooth, ever since his youth.
Plinka is a cougar and he also owns a Luger;
He shot away his tooth.

Bingus, Plinka, Sogga -  Floppa's stuck in the fog, ah!
He can't see anything, he sees someone;
It's Sting.
He dislikes the Police so he ran into the trees;
It was kind of cring.

Bingus, Floppa, Plinka - Sogga is a thinka´
He likes to twist around, not making any sound.
Because no one can expect him, everybody suspects him;
Floppa wants him drowned.

The underdog (undercougar?)

My name is Plinka and I'm here to say,
I'm part of the canon and I'm here to stay.
You may not like me and that's okay,
but here I am on full display.

Floppa just likes to eat and eat.
He can't go a day without his treats.
He wants to be part of regular suburbia.
Does he think that we'll forget what he did in Serbia?

Sogga, is really dang annoying.
With our feelings he is always toying.
He is way too long and way too slender.
He's an impostor, a mere pretender.

Bingus, I think he wants to wring us.
Don't trust appearances, he's incredibly sus.
His eyes are so big he looks like an alien
He is not a cat, not even mammalian.

This is why I am the superior member.
Way more swag than Floppa whether in June or December
Funnier than Sogga plus I'm not as obnoxious.
Bingus' brain so smooth;
I doubt that he is conscious.

© 2021 - The Floppa Canon